Feeding America continues its resolute efforts to address the pressing issue of food insecurity and America’s hunger crisis during September’s Hunger Action Month 2023. The nonprofit organization’s month-long campaign is designed to support food banks while also aiding individuals who don’t have reliable access to daily meals. The Los Angeles Regional Food Bank is a vital component of Feeding America’s nationwide network of 200 food banks and is doing its part to nourish and empower.
While nutritious food is a universal need for all human beings, it isn’t readily accessible for many hardworking Americans. Feeding America reports that an estimated one in six people required the support of food banks and charitable food assistance in 2022. This statistic highlights the critical role that food banks play in providing sustenance for those experiencing substantial uncertainties surrounding their next meal.
As recently as June 2023, Feeding America conducted a survey, concluding that a staggering 80% of network food banks reported an increased or steady demand for emergency food services. Over the past four months, most of these food banks noted that food purchase costs have risen while food donations have declined. Moreover, nearly 35% of responding food banks reported a surge in the number of people they served, shedding light on the persisting issue of food insecurity across the nation.
Food insecurity has also seen an unfortunate uptick in the populous city of Los Angeles, with over two million Los Angeles residents suffering from the condition. The Los Angeles Regional Food Bank plays a crucial role in addressing this issue in the greater Los Angeles area. The LA Food Bank bridges the gap for many individuals and families in need, dedicated to collecting and distributing food from farmers, manufacturers, donors, and retailers.

As part of Feeding America’s network, the LA Regional Food Bank has been fighting hunger and mobilizing resources in the community since 1973. Over the last 50 years, the food bank has distributed an astronomical amount of food, with over 1.9 billion pounds of food going to those in need. With a vision to ensure no one in Los Angeles County goes hungry, the LA Regional Food Bank takes action by sourcing and acquiring nutritious food, providing invaluable educational resources that raise awareness about hunger and nutrition, as well as campaigning, advocating for community-beneficial policies, and energizing the community to join their mission of alleviating hunger.
The LA Regional Food Bank has inspired over fifteen thousand annual volunteers to support hunger relief, as well as partnering with over six hundred agencies and serving over eight hundred thousand people monthly. The food bank also understands the importance of foundational change, supporting legislation and policies that can systemically reduce hunger in Los Angeles. At its core, the LA Regional Food Bank upholds the value of collaboration, inclusivity, respect, service, and stewardship with commendable accountability toward enhancing equity and accessibility.
As the need for hunger relief rises, the LA Regional Food Bank, along with Feeding America, continues to rise to the occasion and make a positive impact on those facing food insecurity throughout the community and the nation.