On a recent episode of The Right Wing Voice podcast, hosted by Alexander Spellane and sponsored by Fisher Capital Group, entrepreneur Andrew Crapuchettes shared his vision for a workplace where personal freedoms are paramount. In this interview, Crapuchettes spoke at length about his journey and the founding of RedBalloon, a platform that he describes as “America’s number-one pro-freedom job board.” This conversation offered a deep dive into Crapuchettes’ thoughts on the increasing polarization in American society and how it impacts the workplace.

Over the past eight years, the United States has experienced increasing political division. While the two-party system was originally designed to maintain balance and order, recent years have seen both major parties move toward often polarizing positions. This shift has made various aspects of life, from entertainment and sports to news discussions, more challenging to handle with others. Unfortunately, this polarization often extends to the workplace. On The Right Wing Voice, Crapuchettes explained how hiring decisions can sometimes be influenced by perceived political views. In response to these challenges, as an entrepreneur, he founded RedBalloon

RedBalloon considers itself America’s number-one pro-freedom Job Board. Simply put, Crapuchettes’s site seeks to connect serious job seekers with employers who won’t force them to compromise their faith or values. Currently, RedBalloon hosts 3,700 businesses on its platform. 

The primary goal of RedBalloon is to maintain and respect freedoms in the workplace. In using the term “freedoms,” Crapuchettes is referencing workplace standards enforced by some American businesses, such as requiring vaccines, DEI (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion) protocols, or other “politically-charged mandates,” as Crapuchettes and his team describe it. In this way, RedBalloon seeks to unite workers who may not agree with those standards, catering to workplaces in which these standards are not acknowledged or enforced, with businesses uninterested or unwilling to enforce them.

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Crapuchettes further mentioned on the podcast that many businesses are reluctant to hire graduates from “woke” colleges due to their liberal ideology. He went on to elaborate that many business heads have expressed frustration with hiring individuals who they feel prioritize political activism over hard work. In this way, Crapuchettes says, “RedBalloon is about the truth, not left or right politics, and supports the Truth Movement.”

Each month, RedBalloon surveys over 70,000 businesses, asking about their views on politics, education, ethics, and values. The company believes that many businesses would prefer hiring alums from Turning Point USA over those from Harvard. As Crapuchettes puts it, “Hardworking conservatives are thriving in liberal businesses because they focus on their work rather than political activism.”

During his interview, Crapuchettes also heartily endorsed a “Voting with Your Wallet” mentality to further aid his point. “Use your money to support businesses that align with their worldviews,” he says. Crapuchettes believes that the greatest influence everyday people can have on the market and politics of the nation overall, maybe even more so than their vote, is to financially support like-minded businesses and media. This act helps with “changing behaviors to make a difference every day,” he says

In addition to all of this, Crapuchettes also believes that Americans should be investing in gold, which he refers to as “America’s original financial standard.” To Crapuchettes, RedBalloon, the Truth Movement, Voting with your Wallet, and investing in gold are all intertwined: they are each a way of “investing in America’s foundational principles.” Throughout his interview on The Right Wing Voice podcast and by promoting these values, Andrew Crapuchettes aims to promote a culture where individual beliefs and financial decisions align with personal convictions, creating a more synergistic environment in the workplace and beyond. Through these initiatives, he hopes to empower individuals to make choices that reflect their values and contribute to a more balanced society. 

Written in partnership with Tom White.